Where is Cafe Vinh Long located?
We never realized the location was so much an issue until diners started calling in and asking where Vinh Long is located. South Philadelphia can be a little troublesome to navigate, so let us help you out.
Cafe Vinh Long is officially registered as Vinh Long Restaurant, which can be a little confusing to some.
Cafe Vinh Long is located on 7th Street, right off of Daly St. Daly Street, if you are still confused, is the tiny street between Jackson and Wolf. So really, this restaurant is further south from Snyder but not quite at Oregon Ave.
Is that helping at all? Vinh Long is right next to the neighborhood Sav-Mor Pharmacy. It's smacked dab in the center of Cambodia Town. (So if you weren't interested in the Vietnamese food, you can always treat yourself to the alternatives nearby.)
Cafe Vinh Long is located on 7th Street, right off of Daly St. Daly Street, if you are still confused, is the tiny street between Jackson and Wolf. So really, this restaurant is further south from Snyder but not quite at Oregon Ave.
Is that helping at all? Vinh Long is right next to the neighborhood Sav-Mor Pharmacy. It's smacked dab in the center of Cambodia Town. (So if you weren't interested in the Vietnamese food, you can always treat yourself to the alternatives nearby.)

Cafe Vinh Long
(215) 334-8505