Best Banh Mi in Philadelphia

Which restaurant serves your favorite banh mi (Vietnamese hoagie) in Philadelphia? Ideally you would say Cafe Vinh Long, but we would love to hear what you like in the banh mi. Is there a specific texture, ratio, etc.? Do you go for that non-traditional, unpickled stuff?

Cafe Vinh Long received a recent Yelp review that had us thinking about different types of banh mi being prepared in Philadelphia.

 In the review, Susan noted, "For those who recall and loved the traditional banh mi at Cafe Nhu Y, try this one."

She also recommended, "If you like small, family-run hole in the walls, give this place a whirl."

So give Cafe Vinh Long a whirl, you family-run hole in the wall cafe-lovers!

One of our favorite banh mi is from LeLa’s Bistro in Portland (via kimchi con queso)

Thursday, December 03, 2015